The question of pure fusion explosions under the CTBT

Suzanne L. Jones, Frank N. von Hippel, "The question of pure fusion explosions under the CTBT," Science & Global Security, 7, no. 2, (1998): 129-150.
Fusion research involving implosions of deuterium-tritium targets driven by laser or particle beams appears to be widely accepted as not prohibited under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Research on fusion involving implosions driven by other means is underway in civilian and military laboratories in the US and other countries and could result in small (up to perhaps a few tons TNT equivalent) explosive fusion energy releases. However, the status of such experiments under the CTBT has not been clearly defined. Until the potential for this research to lead to the development of pure fusion weapons has been openly reviewed and an appropriate policy governing its conduct is established in the context of the CTBT, such experiments should be subject to two interim limits: (1) a maximum of 10^14 neutrons produced; and (2) a ban on the use of tritium.

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