Consequences of a Radiological Dispersal Event with Nuclear and Radioactive Sources

J. Magill, D. Hamilton, K. Lützenkirchen, M. Tufan, G. Tamborini, W. Wagner, V. Berthou, A. von Zweidorf, "Consequences of a Radiological Dispersal Event with Nuclear and Radioactive Sources," Science & Global Security, 15, no. 2, (2007): 107-132.
A potential terrorist attack utilizing a Radiological Dispersal Device would spread fear and panic on a massive scale, in addition to creating a widespread, severe, and long-lasting economic burden. The main purpose of the present study is to make some assessments of the radiological impact of such an incident, with a primary focus on the public health risk. We discuss the possibility of utilizing radioactive sources or nuclear fuel in such an incident and make a comparison of the relative impact associated with each source.

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