Assessing Priorities towards Achieving Dependable and Secure Computing in the U.S. ICBM Force

Lauren J. Borja, "Assessing Priorities towards Achieving Dependable and Secure Computing in the U.S. ICBM Force," Science & Global Security 28, no. 1 (2020): 2-27

This paper is an assessment of cybersecurity principles within the nuclear arsenal of the United States, specifically the nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile forces. Ongoing modernizations will introduce new components, and potentially new vulnerabilities, into U.S. nuclear forces. The principles for achieving secure operations from the fields of computer security, dependable computing, and systems analysis, and the extent to which they are addressed within the management of U.S. nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles is discussed. This paper then considers the types of vulnerabilities that may be overlooked during modernizations, followed by a critique of U.S. nuclear command and control policy choices that could make the consequences of these vulnerabilities more catastrophic.

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